The Ethics of Digital Direct Action (Coleman):
1) How have they caught the 14 people that were in the
connection to the Mastercard and Paypal attacks? Why were they able to catch them and not the participants in
other attacks? What type of
surveillance can the FBI use to monitor actions, and can all of it be used in
3) Since there are no prior legal rules or penalties in
place for this type of crime, will this result in a more harsh punishment? How will this influence the activities
of other group members?
4) How has the group gained so much support if they don’t
have an identity? Do they work
together to do these hacks or do they all just label themselves under the
‘Anonymous’ title?
Our Weirdness is Free (Coleman):
1) In what ways does the group anonymous ‘constantly
manipulate events in order to turn them into opportunities’?
2) What is ‘a Cartesian attitude’?
3) How do people get this “personal” information from
peoples hard drives that they use to perform these lulz-oriented actions? If this information is on the Internet,
what are the laws concerning privacy rights for these sorts of hacks?
Cyberdeterence and Cyberwar (Libicki)
1) If cyberattacks expose vulnerabilities that need
attention and if these vulnerabilities can be fixed, do organizations share
this information so they can all use this to decrease the vulnerability of
their systems?
2)How and where are cyberattack tools widely
3) Do infrastructure owners or owners of the
servers have a liability to protect the private information consumers provide
to them, even if their site is hacked and the information is no longer private?
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