Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week 2 Questions

Week 2:
Resisting Technology: Regaining a Personal Ecology (Agarwal)
1) What does Agarwal mean when he says that technology was designed for a greater common market?
2) What can people do to keep technologies focused more on human needs, and to channel this power for creating good?
3) Since the people who have the control over technology also have the power, will this isolation of technology only continue to get worse?

Architectures of Participation (Hopkins)
1) What does Hopkins mean when he says isolation applies at last a patina of madness to one's presence in the world? 
2) What is needed to have an open and bi-directional flow between two individuals to gain this excess of energy?
3) Is participation in the social system a choice, or something that just naturally happens? 

The Political Power of Social Media (Shirky)
1) Why was the Phillippine President Joseph Estrada being impeached? 
2) What does Shirky mean when he says in 1989 the states were behind the iron curtain?
3) What was the anti-Aznar Protest in Spain and what happened as a result of this gained momentum? 

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