Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 3 Questions

Some Tentative Axioms of Communication (Watzlawick) 
1) When Watzlacwick says that to live effectively is to live with adequate information, what does he mean by adequate? And does can we explain the fact that many people would just rather live in ignorance of a lot of information?
2) What is the negative of a messages entropy and how can we use it to interpret information? 
3) How has technology better helped us 'punctuate the series of events' as Watzlawich calls it?  Or is there any way to change these patterns of interaction to better communication and understanding can take place? 

Cybernetics in History (Wiener)
1) What is the probabilistic theory?
2) How has the ambiguity associated with communication changed as a result of technology?
3) What makes a message entropic?

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