Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Aside: What is Peer-to-Peer?

             I think the idea of peer-to-peer is very interesting and I see many benefits and chances for further innovation that can be created from this sort of sharing and access to resources.  I also think there are many limitations and situation where this type of approach would not work or would not be the most effective choice.  The video discussed how peer-to-peer is a result created by forming a network of people where there are no limitations on how people can connect to one another.  Building this type of network, also begins building relationships between the people in that network, or between ‘peers.’ 
There were three main factors discussed.  The first was peer production, which is the creation of the work.  This is the stage where innovation happens because people in the network volunteer to join a project and contribute the knowledge and expertise they have.  I think this is a great idea, because people are often inspired by works or ideas of one another.  Each person in the network has something unique to add or learn through the creation of the project.  The video discussed how in the corporate work world; many relationships have become dysfunctional because in a highly competitive culture the relationships are based on what is given in return for ones input.  In a peer-to-peer environment the relationships are based on all users freely giving as much as they can with little or no concern over what they will get back in return.  The second factor was peer governance, which was how are the relationships in the network managed.  I don’t know much about how peer-to-peer networks initially begins so I was curious if there is a limit for how many people can join a network, if only specific people can join, or if it’s open to everyone regardless of your skills and abilities? The third factor was peer property, which covers how do you protect what you have created.  This confused me, because if the whole point is to create an open, common work for anyone to use, why is there a need to protect it.  

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