Monday, November 26, 2012

Week 13

Music & Digital Media (Group 10):
I think music sharing is at the point where it will probably always happen especially as the younger generation grows up, who is used to music being ‘free’ in some sense or another. I think the new best strategies would be to take advantage of the new situation and find creative ways to make a profit.  Finding ways to serve the new market that is emerging will also help to provide a profit to the musicians.

IT & War (Group 9): 
In general, describe the relationship between I.T. and war as it has existed throughout history and into the present.
In the past, I think war has been a huge driver in technological advance.  Every country wanted to have the most advanced technology because it creates a huge advantage during wartime.  Advancement is technology have changed the way wars are fought.  Currently, I believe an increasing number of technological advances are coming from companies created for consumers rather than war. 

3 quotes and short response stating conclusion addressing the relationship between I.T. and war:
“Technology shapes warfare, not war. War is timeless and universal... Warfare is the conduct of war.”
“Technology defines, governs, or circumscribes warfare. It sets the stage for warfare. It is the instrumentality of warfare.”
“The most important verb describing the impact of technology on warfare is that it changes warfare. Technology has been the primary source of military innovation throughout history. It drives changes in warfare more than any other factor. “
“However much technology may change warfare, it never determines warfare—neither how it will be conducted nor how it will turn out. Technology presides in warfare, but it does not rule.”

In conclusion, technology has changed the way war is fought.  It changes the weapons that are used, but people are still the ones who decide if and how we fight against one another.  Technology is an enabler, but it not by any means the cause of war. 

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