Sunday, October 28, 2012

Week 10 Questions

“A Deep Dive into Facebook and Datalogix: What’s Actually Getting Shared and How You Can Opt Out”  (Reitman)
1) Why are the data trails that are collected as a result of our purchases with loyalty cards such a bad thing?  Don’t they have many positive aspects as well, like coupons targeted to benefit the consumer’s particular needs?  Is it really that big of a problem for companies to have information about what products we buy?
2) What does ‘hashed data’ mean and how is it different from the normal term ‘data’?
3) Other than using this data to increase personalized marketing to consumers, what other affects can an increase in availability of data have on the consumer? 

“Has Viral Gone Viral?” (Bilton)
1) How has the increase in the speed of spreading information affected our social system?
2) Now that everyone can contribute to delivering new information, how was this affected the reliability and truthfulness of the information in our society as a whole?
3) With an increasing amount of websites available, what factors are most prominent in determining if the website will be successful or not?  The article mentions the rapid growth of the site, Chatroulette, so for this example want specific factors about this site contributed to its successfulness? 

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